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英语老师 英语翻译 外教助理招聘信息

发布日期:2017-12-29  作者:管理员  阅读量:[]

任职资格:1、英语专业大专及以上学历或两年以上英语国家留学经历者优先;(可接收应届毕业生)1. College or above degree, bachelor degree or above with two years study in English-speaking country experience is preferred; 2、一年以上教学或助教工作经验;2. Over one year work experience in teaching or teaching assistant; 3、形象气质佳,活泼、开朗,热爱教育工作,喜欢孩子3. Presentable, lively, cheerful, love education work,like kids 4.英语口语流利,发音地道;4. Fluent oral English and pronunciation accurately; 5、亲和力佳,具有良好的服务意识。5. Good affinity and good service consciousness.职位描述:Job Descriptions: 1、负责向高端客户提供英语学习建议;1. Responsible for high-end clients to provide English study suggest 2、负责对已报名的VIP学员进行跟踪服务;2. Responsible for the registered VIP students tracking service; 3、时常为学员组织课程活动;3. Frequently organization curriculum activities for students; 4、作为外教与学员之间的桥梁,如遇突发情况,帮助学员调配时间或者调换老师。4. As a bridge between the foreign teacher and student; In case of emergent events that help students to allocate time or exchange the teacher.工作地点:聊城开发区振华4楼玛玛洛可少儿英语学习中心薪资:3000-6000元工作时间:8小时/日电话:17762075900 18910173534杨老师


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地址:山东省济南市舜耕路13号 电话:0531-82767404 邮编:250022
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